Terms and Conditions for Influencais:
1. Published by Fame Finders, a Media Planning Company & Publication House, Fame Finders is a magazine focused on brands, lifestyle, and business. It is a registered trademark of Fame Finders Media, safeguarded by intellectual property rights.
2. You give Fame Finders permission to use and publish your profile, images, videos, and articles for promotional reasons, both online and offline, without charging you anything more.
3. The magazine’s release and publication are at the publishers of Fame Finders’ discretion. Any of its editions could be postponed for a number of reasons, including but not limited to unanticipated events like natural disasters, socio-political unrest, technical problems, or editorial concerns.
4. Influencais claims the right, in its sole discretion, to alter the dates, format, and plans of any activities planned in conjunction with the magazine launch, whether they are physical or virtual. Please be aware that, even if a feature subject chooses to attend the launch party, Influencais will not pay for their airfare or lodging.
5. There will never be a refund given for the profile feature in Influencais after money has been received.
6. The featured profile nominee bears the exclusive responsibility of providing true and accurate information for their profile. Influencais disclaims all responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content submitted by the individuals it features.
7. In order to improve the overall calibre and coherence of the magazine, Influencais maintains the right to make any required changes, revisions, or modifications to the articles, photos, profiles, and other content submitted by the featured individuals. Before final publishing, Fame Finders will get permission from the individuals featured in order to make any significant changes to their profile content.
8. Before the magazine is sent to print, the people featured inside will be asked for their final approval of the story and cover pages. Any more modifications after approval could incur extra fees and cause delays.
9. Influencais will do everything in its power to guarantee that the people featured in the magazine receive their copies on schedule. Please be aware, nevertheless, that delivery times can change based on a number of variables, including location, shipping issues, and any unanticipated events that can occur throughout the distribution process.
10. You accept these terms and conditions as well as all other terms and conditions listed on our websites, magazine.famefinders.in & www.famefinders.in, by moving forward with the nomination and acceptance of being included in Influencais.
Influencais maintains the right, at any moment and without previous notice, to change and modify these Terms and Conditions.
Using the Content on the Site
The decision to access our website is entirely up to the user. Our Terms of Service and this notice apply to any privacy dispute. This covers the state laws that apply, arbitration of disputes, and damage restrictions. Customers should get in touch with us as soon as possible if they have any questions about the privacy statement. Our customer care agents will be delighted to help them.
It is advised that users review the policy each time they visit the website because it is subject to change at any time.
The website monitors and collects user navigation data, such as where users travel on the site, what topics they connect to, and when they download pages. We can determine the visitor’s areas of interest and the technical efficacy of our website and service with the help of this data (e.g., the most popular times to visit our website). It improves our comprehension of our clients’ needs and wants. This helps us in enhancing our website’s quality in any areas where it may require improvement. Except as specified below, all content on this website (collectively referred to as the “Contents”), including text, graphics, designs, icons, photos, and other materials, is protected by copyrights, trademarks, trade dress, and/or other intellectual property that is either owned, controlled, or licenced by the company.
For personal use only, visitors are permitted to download or duplicate the Contents and other downloadable materials from the website. The visitor does not obtain any ownership, rights, or interests in any downloaded software or material as a result of downloading or copying it. The site, its content, and any related software may not be reproduced (apart from what is specifically mentioned above), published, transmitted, distributed, displayed, modified, or used in any way that may result in a sale or other kind of exploitation by the visitors.
Every piece of content on this website, including text, pictures, logos, button icons, compilations of data, digital downloads, software, and graphics, is the property of Fame Finders, Fame Finders Media, or its content providers and is shielded by international copyright laws. This company is the exclusive owner of the compilation of all content on this website, which is shielded by international copyright laws. This website’s software is all owned by the corporation or its software providers and is shielded by international copyright laws. The brand names that appear on our websites belong to the corresponding companies or their subsidiaries, and they cannot be utilised in conjunction with any good or service that does not come from that business.
Modification & Severability of Site Policies
We advise any consumer who visits our website to look over the additional policies that are listed below. Visits to our site are likewise governed by these policies. The Company retains the right, at any moment, to modify the website, our policies, and these Conditions of Use. Any of these conditions that are determined to be void, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason will be considered severable and will not impact the legality or enforceability of the other conditions.
Liability Limitation
Customers acknowledge and agree that the company will not be responsible for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, or otherwise, resulting from the use, misuse, or inability to use this website or the services made available to them through any means, even if the company has been informed that such damages may occur. Customers also agree that any responsibility they may have to the company under the terms of the agreement or in other situations involving them and the company will never be greater than the amount they have paid up to the point at which any claim resulting in liability may materialise.
Privacy Policy
Each client’s name, phone number, payment card number, and email and postal addresses are among the data that our organisation gathers. When a customer saves information with our business or transacts online, they provide this information. When you send us comments, questions, etc., we might also use the email addresses or physical mail addresses you provide us through our mailing system. For specific mailings, our organisation might purchase names and email or physical mail addresses from outside sources.
We employ the data we get in a variety of ways. If necessary, our customer support agents may get in touch with customers by phone, mail, or email. You may also receive updates about our site and services as a client. We might potentially utilise the data to help our business enhance its accreditation and service procedures.
By logging in on our homepage, customers can access their registered accounts on the website. Upon logging in, every client can view the data they have previously provided to us.
Information of Consultants and Affiliates
Fame Finders reserves the right to use information supplied by its memberships, alliances, partners, guest writers, consultants, and clients in good faith on its website and print materials. Featured content, however, will be taken down from the website within 15 days if the affiliation ceases to exist or upon special request, and from print collateral when the next batch of publications is scheduled for printing.
Correspondence Fraud
You acknowledge and agree that Fame Finders shall not be responsible for correspondence sent to any email address(es) other than those that end in “…@magazine.famefinders.in” or any toll-free number that is not listed on our website. Fame Finders is not liable for any harm (or harms) resulting from such correspondence. We only assume liability for communications sent by email using our own domain name or by calling the toll-free number provided on the Fame Finders website.